
Throughput Test

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Installation and Configuration

To perform a throughput test, the application uses two components: a server and a client. The server part of the application listens for connections from the client, and the client connects to the server. Once the connection has been established, the client and server send data in both directions, and the client part of the application computes and displays the network metrics.


When you install the application, both the server and client components are installed. You can then run either one, depending on how you plan to perform the tests. In a WLAN, the server part should be run on the wired side of the network, while the client part should be run on a WLAN client. In this type of a setup, "downstream" would be the data flow from the wired side of the network through the access point to the client, and "upstream" would be the data flow from the client through the access point to the wired side.

While this application is intended primarily for testing Wi-Fi network throughput, you can also use it to test wired networks. If you test wired LANs, it's not important which of the two computers acts as a server and which one acts as a client.

Configuring the Server

The server part of the application has only two configurable options: the port on which it listens for incoming connections and the network protocol to be used (IP, also known as IPv4, or IPv6). By default, the server listens on port 27100 and uses IPv4, as shown below:


If you want to change the port number or the protocol type, simply make the corresponding changes and click Apply:


The picture above illustrates the use of the IPv6 protocol. The log window displays the IPv4 or IPv6 addresses used for listening by the application. 

IMPORTANT: This application automatically creates a Windows firewall rule that allows it to accept connections. If you use a third party firewall, be sure to configure it to allow incoming connections for this application. Both UDP and TCP connections must be allowed.

Note that the server part is available for Windows and Mac OS only. It is not available for Android. You can use the Android client with a server running on Windows or Mac OS.

Configuring the Client

In the client component, you only need to specify the port number to be used for connecting to the server (if you changed the default port number 27100 on the server side).